Roshan Prizak

I enjoy problem-solving, finding connections between seemingly unrelated ideas, explaining complex ideas by “distilling” them down into simpler ones, and figuring out quantitative approaches to tackle questions that, on first look, seem to evade quantification.

Since getting a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, I’ve obtained a PhD from Institute of Science and Technology Austria in biophysics and evolutionary biology, and I’m currently working as a postdoctoral scientist in biophysics and molecular biology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. I use a lot of data analysis, data modeling and physical modeling in my current postdoc role.

I’m interested in thinking about complex systems. I’m enthusiastic about data science, languages and policy research, and I would like to work at an intersection of these fields. I’m currently working on various data science projects. Oh, and I would also like to design some board games!